European School of Medicinal Chemistry ESMEC
40th Advanced Course of Medicinal Chemistry and Seminar for PhD students
June 28 – July 1, 2021
The mission of the ESMEC is to provide participants, PhD students and junior researchers from both academia and industry, with the most recent advances in the field of medicinal and organic chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and analytical/ structural chemistry. This idea is aimed to reflect the current scenario of medicinal chemistry being a truly transdisciplinary approach, where the advances in knowledge are driven by the medicinal chemist’s ability to translate into new molecular concepts and into novel molecular entities the amount of information created by molecular medicine, pharmacology, molecular biology, systems biology.
For these reasons, the School is directed to participants at a graduated and post-graduated level, in chemistry but also in pharmacology or biology, who are keen to explore the interdisciplinary context of current cutting-edge research in medicinal chemistry.
To achieve these very ambitious goals, the School is organized into thematic sessions, each of them constructed around a series of lectures, followed by practical workshops.
ESMEC 2021 is special, celebrating the 40th anniversary!
This Year the Scientific Program includes the following topics:
to Proteolysis Targeting Chimera (Protac): From Medicinal Chemistry to Clinical Trials
Sustainable Chemistry Approaches To Lead Discovery and Chemical Processes
Medicinal Chemistry’s Response to the Burden of Antibiotic Resistance
Market Watch: New Drug Approval in 2020 and Synthetic Strategies
As Special Events will be held:
an Open Webinar titled “Covid and Science”
an Open Webinar for the “Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the School”
and the First Edition of the “ESMEC Alumni Award”
Join the open sessions HERE
Full Programme is available HERE
The Book of Abstracts and the Book of Lectures are available for participants in the Poster Area
To Join the Poster Area click HERE
Deadline for Registration 15/06/2021
Scientific Committee
Marco Macchia, University of Pisa (Director)
Stefania Butini, University of Siena
Andrea Cavalli, University of Bologna
Paolo Grieco, University of Naples
Antonio Macchiarulo, University of Perugia
Gianluca Papeo, Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l.
Antoni Torrens Jover, Esteve Pharmaceuticals
Tracey Pirali, University of Piemonte Orientale
Gilberto Spadoni, University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Organizing Committee
Annalida Bedini
Lucia Bedini, Treasurer
Andrea Duranti
Simone Lucarini
Michele Mari
Francesca Bartoccini
Organizing Office
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari
University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Piazza Rinascimento, 6
61029 Urbino (PU) ITALY
tel. +39 0722 304551 / +39 0722 303323
fax. +39 0722 303313